Do I Need a Degree Before I Enter the Program?

Yes, students will have completed a bachelor’s or graduate degree from an accredited college or university prior to entering MUSC. A specific major is not required, but you should have a degree that provides a background and preparation in the following areas: Functional Limitations, Pathology and Impairment, and Health Services. 

What Grade Point Average is Needed for Admission?

Decisions for admissions are made on a competitive basis, with the applicant’s undergraduate grades factoring into the decision. A minimum 3.0 grade point average (GPA) is required in order to be considered for admission to the program.

How Many Students Do You Accept Each Year?

We accept up to 6 students each year.

Didn't Find the Answer You Were Looking For?

Feel free to contact us with any questions: 843-792-3326 / chpstusv@musc.edu