Agenda and Speakers for Advanced taVNS Conference

Advanced Transcutaneous Auricular Vagus Nerve Stimulation

Thursday, March 12, 2020

9:00 am to 9:30 am

Welcome to Conference for VNS & taVNS
Presenters: Bashar Badran, Rick Segal

9:30 am to 10:15 am

Overview of Animal VNS + Parkinson's Disease
Presenter: Heather Boger, Ph.D.

10:15 am to 10:30 am

Time for questions from the Zoom chat

10:30 am to 10:45 am


10:45 am to 11:30 am

Noninvasive VNS for Mild to Moderate Parkinson's Disease
Presenter: Vanessa Hinson, M.D.

11:30 am to 11:45 am

Time for questions from the Zoom chat

11:45 am to 12:30 pm

Lunch break – on your own

12:30 pm to 1:15 pm

Enhancing Rehabilitation After Stroke with Paired VNS
Presenter: Seth Hayes, Ph.D.

1:15 pm to 1:30 pm

Time for questions from the Zoom chat

1:30 pm to 2:15 pm

Motor-Paired taVNS for Neonatal Brain Injury
Presenter: Dorothea Jenkins, M.D.

2:15 pm to 2:30 pm

Time for questions from the Zoom chat

2:30 pm

End of day


Friday, March 13, 2020

9:00 am to 9:30 am

Presenter: Bashar Badran, Ph.D.

9:30 am to 10:15 am

Clinical Overview of VNS + VNS/fMRI
Presenter: Mark George, M.D.

10:15 am to 10:30 am

Time for questions from the Zoom chat

10:30 am to 11:15 am

Optimization of taVNS + taVNS/fMRI
Presenter: Bashar Badran, Ph.D.

11:15 am to 11:30 am

Time for questions from the Zoom chat

11:30 am to noon


Noon to 1:00 pm

Data Blitz

12 noon
Sean Thompson (Medical Student) – Motor-Activated Auricular Vagus Nerve Stimulation (MAAVNS)

12:30 pm
Hunter Moss (PhD Student) – Neonatal Diffusion Imaging

12:45 pm
Georgia O’Leary (
Research Staff) – tAN for Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome

1:00 pm to 1:15 pm


1:15 pm to 2:15 pm

Modeling of Brain & Cranial Nerve Activation
Presenter: Marom Bikson, Ph.D.

2:15 pm to 3:15 pm

Respiratory Gated Auricular Vagal Nerve Stimulation
Presenter: Vitaly Napadow, Ph.D.

3:15 pm to 3:30 pm


3:30 pm to 5:00 pm

Concluding Remarks and Open Forum with Speakers
Presenter: Bashar Badran