Digital Transformation Through Telehealth Administration Leadership Certificate

illustration representing health care technology

About the Course

Through the completion of this six-week, online certificate course, health administration learners will explore the foundation of telehealth technologies as a pillar of digital health transformation. By mastering the concepts outlined, health administrators will affect and implement policy to meet the current and future needs of organizations in service of their communities.

The course consists of six modules taught by industry experts and thought leaders in the health care and telehealth space.

Describe telehealth and digital health modalities employed in the provision of healthcare.

Discuss the role of telehealth administration in the design, development, and provision of clinical and research services.

Apply organizational principles in the service of digital healthcare access and assess the feasibility of digital health networks that support demonstrated, quality innovation.

Relate policies and regulations towards the foundations of organizational leadership across digital domains to inform administration, research, and practice.

Design inquiries into new forms of inter-operability informed by advances in digital health technologies.

Support future career decision-making processes based on knowledge and competence in the principles of digital transformation.

Upon completion of all certificate requirements, learners will be awarded a digital badge that can be transferred to Badgr.

Length: Six weeks
Cost: $350

Next Start Date: March 10, 2025
Registration Opens:
February 3, 2024
Registration Deadline:
March 7, 2025

What students are saying:

“This class was by far one of the best I've experienced during my time at MUSC. It was exactly what I was hoping it would be as I expand my knowledge in the telehealth space.” – Student, Spring 2023

"This class was well thought out and I learned much more than I anticipated – I even worked at a telehealth startup and I don’t think I was exposed to this much detail there either.” – Student, Spring 2023

“I truly enjoyed the course. This model of healthcare may contribute to leveling the playing field for the “have nots”. I hope to be a resource in my health system in utilizing a Telehealth platform in our underserved communities.” – Student, Spring 2023

The Instructors

Kenneth Deans 

Kenneth R. Deans, Jr

President & Chief Executive Officer
Health Sciences South Carolina

Ragan DuBose 

Ragan DuBose-Morris, Ph.D.

Professor, MUSC College of Health Professions
Director of Education & Information Technology

Jillian Harvey 

Jillian Harvey, Ph.D., MPH

Professor, MUSC College of Health Professions
Division Director, Doctor of Health Administration

Jami Jones 

Jami Jones, MHA, Ph.D.

Professor, MUSC College of Health Professions
Chair, Department of Healthcare Leadership & Management

Katie King 

Kathryn King, MD, MHS

Associate Professor, MUSC College of Medicine – Department of Pediatrics
Chief Medical Information Officer

Abby Kazley 

Abby Swanson Kazley, Ph.D.

Professor, MUSC College of Health Professions
Division Director, MS in Health Informatics

Kellie Mendoza 

Kellie Mendoza, MHA

MUSC College of Health Professions

Sshune Rhodes 

Sshune Rhodes, MHA, FACHE

Adjunct Professor, University of South Carolina
Program Coordinator, MUSC Center for Telehealth

Emily Warr 

Emily Warr, MSN, RN

Telehealth Administrator,
MUSC Center for Telehealth

Kevin Wiley 

Kevin Wiley, MPH, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor,
MUSC College of Health Professions

Dunc Williams 

Dunc Williams, MHA, Ph.D.

Associate Professor,
MUSC College of Health Professions