Health, Employment, & Longevity Project

The Health, Employment, and Longevity Project is a research team committed to understanding the long-term consequences of spinal cord injury and other disabling conditions, with the ultimate goal of improving health, quality of life, and longevity after injury or disability. This program of research has its roots in director Dr. Jim Krause's own experience with disability, as he has a neurologically complete spinal cord injury.

Please use the tabs to the left to find our project information, publications, and tools. We have many great resources available to you.

Recent News

Recently, Dr. Jim Krause was awarded the 2023 Governor's Award for Scientific Excellence. Read more about it here.

         Dr. Jim Krause and part of his team


Fast Facts

A graphic explaining the Health, Employment and Longevity Project. There are over 5,000 participants, over 20,000 completed assignments, over 150 publications and over 20 scientific awards.