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Funded Pilot Projects

Study participant recieves brain stimulation for rehab from 2 research therapists

Year 1

Principle Investigator: Jesse Dean, Ph.D.
Project Title: Application of Ultrasound Technology to Enhance the Quantitative Measurement of Post-Stroke Behavior and Function
PI Department: Health Professions
Project Dates: 12/01/2014 to 11/30/2015

Principle Investigator: Stephen Tomlinson, Ph.D.
Project Title: Complement-Dependent Inflammation and Experience-Dependent Neural Plasticity after Stroke
PI Department: Microbiology & Immunology
Project Dates: 12/01/2014 to 3/31/2016

Principle Investigator: Alexander Awgulewitsch, Ph.D.
Project Title: Exploring Potential Roles of Hox Genes in Stroke Recovery
PI Department: Medicine
Project Dates: 12/01/2014 to 08/31/2016

Principle Investigator: Xingbao Li, M.D.
Project Title: Paired Associative Stimulation Modulates Motor Excitability and Plasticity in Chronic Stroke Patients: a Comparison of Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation and Acupuncture
PI Department: Psychiatry
Project Dates: 2/01/2015 to 3/31/2017

Principle Investigator: Donna Roberts, M.D.
Project Title: fMRI BOLD Signal as a Biomarker for Optimal Dosing of Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation of Rehabilitation in Chronic Stroke Patients
PI Department: Radiology
Project Dates: 7/1/2015 to 12/31/2016

Principle Investigator: Na Jin Seo, Ph.D.
Project Title: Sensory Stimulation to Enhance Hand Function Post Stroke
PI Department: Health Professions
Project Dates: 05/05/2015 to 03/31/2017

Year 2

Principle Investigator: Aiko Thompson, Ph.D.
Project Title: Operant down-conditioning of the soleus H-reflex in spastic hemiparesis after stroke
PI Department: Health Sciences & Research
Project Dates: 11/01/2015 to 03/31/2017

Principle Investigator: Bonnie Martin-Harris, Ph.D.
Project Title: Novel Training Approach for Treatment of Swallowing Impairment Patients with Refractory Dysphagia after Stroke
PI Department: Otolaryngology
Project Dates: 03/01/2016 to 08/31/2016

Year 3

Principle Investigator: Healther Bonilha, Ph.D.
Project Title: Role of the Insular Cortex in Swallowing Impairment and Recovery after Stroke
PI Department: Health Sciences & Research
Project Dates: 07/01/2016 to 06/30/2017

Principle Investigator: Catrina Robinson, Ph.D.
Project Title: The Role of Obesity on Stroke Recovery in a Mouse Model of Ischemic Stroke
Project Dates: 01/01/2017 to 12/31/2017

Principle Investigator: Arthur Riegel, Ph.D.
Project Title: Behavior and neuronal function following a single vs multiple sessions of rTMS in a rat chronic stroke model
PI Department: Neurosciences
Project Dates: 01/01/2017 to 12/31/2017

Year 4

Principle Investigator: Pratik Chhatbar, Ph.D.
Project Title: Realistic Measurements of tDCS-Modulated Activity and Electric Fields in the Human Brain in Vivo
PI Department: Neurology
Project Dates: 10/01/17 to 09/30/18

Principle Investigator: Manual Levy, Ph.D.
Project Title: Neural Bases of rTMS-Driven Plasticity
PI Department: Neurosciences
Project Dates: 12/1/17 to 11/30/18

Principle Investigator: Colleen Hanlon, Ph.D.
Project Title: Assessing Bipedal Coordination in an MR environment: Efficacy and Feasibility of a Novel Device
PI Department: Psychiatry
Project Dates: 12/1/17 to 11/30/18

Year 5

Principle Investigator: Jesse Dean, Ph.D.
Project Title: Integration of Postural Control Measures to Enhance the Development of Assessments and Interventions for Post-Stroke Functional Mobility
PI Department: Health Professions
Project Dates: 1/1/19 to 12/31/19

Principle Investigator: Michelle Woodbury, Ph.D.
Project Title: A Novel Therapy + e-Learning Self-Management Program for Stroke Survivors
PI Department: Health Professions
Project Dates: 1/1/19 to 12/31/19

Principle Investigator: Takashi Sato, Ph.D.
Project Title: Neural Mechanisms Underlying Cortical Reorganization Following Stroke
PI Department: Neurosciences
Project Dates: 3/1/19 to 2/29/20

Principle Investigator: Dorothea Jenkins, M.D.
Project Title: Advanced Neuroimaging to Determine Safety and Target Engagement of taVNS for Neurorehabilitation for Neonatal Stroke
PI Department: Pediatrics
Project Dates: 4/1/19 to 3/31/20

Year 6

Principle Investigator: Leonardo Bonilha, M.D.
Project Title: Using High-Density Electroencephalography to Decipher Speech from Brain Activity
PI Department: Neurology
Project Dates: 4/1/19 to 3/31/20

Principle Investigator: Ryan Ross, Ph.D.
Project Title: Priming Upper Extremity Motor Practice with Aerobic Exercise (PUMP-Ex): A Feasibility and Pilot Study
PI Department: Health Sciences & Research
Project Dates: 1/1/20 to 12/31/20

Principle Investigator: Nathan Rowland, M.D.
Project Title: Direct Measurement of Motor Cortical Responses to Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation
PI Department: Neurosurgery
Project Dates: 1/1/20 to 12/31/20

Year 7

Principle Investigator: Dorothea Jenkins, MD
Project Title: taVNS and N-Acetylcysteine for Oromotor Rehabilitation after Brain Injury in Infants of Diabetic Mothers
PI Department: Pediatrics
Project Dates: 1/1/21 to 12/31/21

Principle Investigator: Serena-Kaye Sims, Ph.D.
Project Title: The Role of Intranasal Administration of BDNF on Neonatal Stroke Recovery
PI Department: Neurosciences
Project Dates: 1/1/21 to 12/31/21

Year 8

Principle Investigator: Christine Holmstedt, M.D.
Project Title: Impact of Intense Physical Therapy on Functional Mobility Outcomes in the Acute Stroke Population (<24 hrs post-stroke)
PI Department: Neurology
Project Dates: 7/1/21 to 6/30/22

Principle Investigator: Gretchen Seif, DPT
Project Title: Dry Needling: Neurophysiological Effects in Persons with Spasticity due to Stroke
PI Department: Rehabilitation Sciences
Project Dates: 3/1/22 to 2/28/23

Principle Investigator: Gabrielle Scronce, Ph.D.
Project Title: Effects of Psychosocial Factors on Adherence to Home Exercise Programs for Upper Extremity Recovery Among Stoke Survivors
PI Department: Health Sciences & Research
Project Dates: 4/1/22 to 3/31/23

Year 9

Principle Investigator: Christopher Sege, Ph.D.
Project Title: Advancing the Assessment of Cognitive Functioning in Chronic Stroke:  An Event-Related Potential Approach
PI Department: Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences
Project Dates: 4/1/23 to 3/31/24

Principle Investigator: Christopher Gregory, Ph.D.
Project Title: Enhancing Mobility and Psychosocial Function in Individuals following Stroke with Obesity via Weight Loss and Exercise
PI Department: Health Sciences & Research
Project Dates: 4/1/23 to 3/31/24

Principle Investigator: Kelly McGloon, Ph.D., OTR/L
Project Title: Extending taVNS paired with infant CIMT into a home-based setting:  Technology development requisite for a randomized trial
PI Department: Extending taVNS paired with infant CIMT into a home-based setting:  Technology development requisite for a randomized trial
Project Dates: 4/1/23 to 3/31/24