Student Testimonials & Program News

Student Testimonials

Hear from alumni as they recount their experience of the PPOTD program at MUSC. 

Allison Blackburn video highlights:

  • Why did you choose MUSC?
  • What was your capstone project and why did you choose to do it? 
  • What did you find most beneficial about having a personalized capstone mentor? 
  • What was the most challenging part of the PPOTD program? 

Amy Crosby video highlights:

  • Why did you choose MUSC?
  • How did you manage to balance coursework with your lifestyle?
  • How did you choose your capstone project?
  • What did you find most beneficial about having a personalized capstone mentor? 
  • How has the PPOTD program created new opportunities for you? 

Hollis Howard video highlights:

  • Why did you choose MUSC?
  • How did the PPOTD faculty support you during challenging times?
  • What did you choose as your capstone project?
  • How did you fit the PPOTD program into your lifestyle?
  • Were you able to form a community with your cohort?

John White video highlights:

  • Why did you choose MUSC?
  • What was your capstone project and why did you choose to do it?
  • Did your employer and work colleagues support your capstone project?
  • How has the PPOTD program created new opportunities for you? 
  • Were you able to form community in an online program?