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Courses & Curriculum

Course Descriptions

A full list of course descriptions can be found in the MUSC Bulletin. Courses for the DNAP program are indicated with the prefix AFN.


Year 1, Summer

AFN 820 Information Systems 3
AFN 823 Research Methods for Nurse Anest 3
AFN 815 Prof Issues Seminar 1
AFN 817 Chemistry and Physics of Anest 2
AFN 811 Princ of Evidence-Based Prac 3
Semester Total 12

Year 1, Fall

AFN 819 Human Anatomy for Nurse Anes 5
AFN 821 Adv Health and Phys Assessment 3
AFN 800 DNAP Seminar I 2
AFN 825 Adv Physiology and Pathophys 5
Semester Total 15

Year 1, Spring

AFN 871 Managing Change in Healthcare 3
AFN 826 Anesthesia Principles I 3
AFN 831 Clinical Simulation I 2
AFN 802 DNAP Seminar II 2
AFN 861 Foundations in Leadership 3
AFN 835 Adv Pharmacology I 3
Semester Total 16

Year 2, Summer

AFN 809 Mgmt Prin for Nurse Anes Prac 3
AFN 832 Clinical Simulation II 2
AFN 836 Advanced Pharmacology II 4
AFN 828 Anesthesia Principles II 5
Semester Total 14

Year 2, Fall

AFN 830 Anesthesia Principles III 3
AFN 841 Anesthesia Practicum I 5
AFN 803 DNAP Seminar III 2
AFN 833 Clinical Simulation III 1
Semester Total 11

Year 2, Spring

AFN 842 Anesthesia Practicum II 10
AFN 806 Foundations in HC Policy 3
Semester Total 13

Year 3, Summer

AFN 843 Anesthesia Practicum III 10
AFN 805 Teaching and Learning 2
Semester Total 12

Year 3, Fall

AFN 844 Anesthesia Practicum IV 10
AFN 807 Principles of Pain Management 2
AFN 813 Clin Sim in Crisis Management 1
Semester Total 13

Year 3, Spring

AFN 845 Anesthesia Practicum V 10
AFN 804 DNAP Seminar IV 2
Semester Total 12
Curriculum Total 118

Detailed information on clinical sites can be found on the Anesthesia for Nurses page.