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Curriculum & Course Descriptions

Coursework for the online Bachelor of Science in Healthcare Studies will be completed in one and a half years over four semesters. Students will have a predetermined schedule with 12-13 credit hours each semester, for a total of 49 credit hours.

Topics covered in the curriculum include:

  • Foundations of Public Health
  • Social Determinants of Health
  • Etiology and Pathophysiology of Chronic Diseases
  • Applied Research and Statistics in the Health Sciences
  • Epidemiology
  • Program Planning and Implementation
  • Evaluation of Health Programs
  • Introduction to Health Behavior and Education
  • Overview of the U.S. Health Care System
  • Introduction to Health Policy
  • Practicum

Course Descriptions

Full course descriptions can be found in the MUSC Bulletin. All courses for the Healthcare Studies are indicated with the prefix "HCS."


In addition to the coursework outlined below, students are required to attend a full-day virtual course orientation session at the beginning of each semester (August, January, May). 


In addition to the coursework outlined below, students are required to attend a full-day virtual course orientation session at the beginning of each semester (August, January, May).

Year 1, Fall

HCS 300 Introduction to Health Behavior/Education 3
HCS 302 Foundations of Public Health 3
HCS 304 Social Determinants of Health 3
HCS 307 Academic and Scientific Writing 3
Semester Total 12

Year 1, Spring

HCS 310 Program Planning and Implement 3
HCS 312,
HAP 512
Overview of the US Health, or
US Health Care System
HCS 316 Etiology and Pathophysiology 3
HCS 324,
HAP 524
Principles of Epidemiology, or
HCS 330 Practicum Development 1
Semester Total 13

Year 1, Summer

HCS 320 Introduction to Health Policy 3
HCS 318 Evaluation of Health Promotion 3
HCS 314,
HAP 514
Applied Research & Statistics 3
HCS 412,
HAP 737
Leadership in the Health Profession, or
Organization Theory
HCS 331 Practicum Development II 1
Semester Total 13

Year 2, Fall

HCS 406 Global Health 3
HCS 410 Rural Public Health 3
HCS 322 Health and Disease Across the 3
HCS 480,
HAP 580
Guided Practicum, or
Guided Practicum Health Administration
Semester Total 12
Curriculum Total 50
Prerequisite Credit Hour Total 72
Required Credit Hour Total 122

* Required Courses for Accelerated Pathway/Advanced Standing for the BSHS to Master in Health Administration program.

** If addition work required.