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Curriculum & Course Descriptions

Student working on a process plan on a white board

Coursework for the online Master of Science in Health Informatics program will be completed over four semester for full time students and six semesters for part time students. Students will have a predetermined schedule with 6 to 9 credit hours each semester, for a total of 36 credit hours. 

Full course descriptions can be found in the MUSC Bulletin. All courses for the Health Informatics program are indicated with the prefix "HIN."

Topics covered in the curriculum include:

  • Database Management
  • Health Informatics Foundations
  • Health Care Management & Operations
  • Systems Analysis & Design
  • Applied Health Informatics

In addition to online coursework, students are required to attend on-campus sessions once per semester. These visits typically take place in September, February, and May of each year on the MUSC campus in Charleston, SC. 



Year 1, Fall

HIN 701 Health Informatics Foundations 3
HIN 702 Introduction to Health Care Information 3
HIN 704 Health Care Data-Content 3
Semester Total 9

Year 1, Spring

HIN 708 Applied Statistics & Research 3
HIN 706 Systems Analysis & Design 3
HIN 705 Electronic Health Records 3
Semester Total 9

Year 1, Summer

HIN 710 Data Mining and Analytics 3
HIN 716 Ethical, Legal, and Regulatory 3
HIN 780
Elective from Approved Listing, or
Thesis Option
Semester Total 9

Year 2, Fall

HIN 719 Advanced HIT & Data Technique 3
HIN 718,
HIN 780
Capstone Project, or
Thesis Option
HIN 720 Current Issues & Advances HIT 3
Semester Total 9
Curriculum Total 36

Year 1, Spring

HIN 708 Applied Statistics & Research 3
HIN 702 Intro to Health Care Information 3
HIN 705 Electronic Health Records 3
Semester Total 9

Year 1, Summer

HIN 710 Data Mining and Analytics 3
HIN 716 Ethical, Legal, and Regulatory 3
HAP 737 Organization Theory 3
Semester Total 9

Year 1, Fall

HIN 719 Advanced HIT & Data Technique 3
HIN 704 Health Care Data-Content 3
HIN 720 Current Issues & Advances HIT 3
Semester Total 9

Year 2, Spring

HIN 780
Elective from Approved Listing, or
Thesis Option
HIN 718,
HIN 780
Capstone Project, or
Thesis Option
HIN 706 Systems Analysis and Design 3
Semester Total 9
Curriculum Total 36


Year 1, Fall

HIN 704 Health Care Data-Content, Stan 3
HIN 702 Intro to Health Care Information 3
Semester Total 6

Year 1, Spring

HIN 705 Electronic Health Records 3
HIN 708 Applied Statistics & Research 3
Semester Total 6

Year 1, Summer

HIN 710 Data Mining and Analytics 3
HAP 737 Organization Theory & Behavior 3
Semester Total 6

Year 2, Fall

HIN 720 Current Issues & Advances HIT 3
HIN 719 Advanced HIT & Data Technique 3
Semester Total 6

Year 2, Spring

HIN 706 Systems Analysis and Design 3
HIN 780
Elective from Approved Listing, or
Thesis Option
Semester Total 6

Year 2, Summer

HIN 716 Ethical, Legal, and Regulatory 3
HIN 718,
HIN 780
Capstone Project, or
Thesis Option
Semester Total 6
Curriculum Total 36

Year 1, Spring

HIN 708 Applied Statistics & Research 3
HIN 702 Intro to Health Care Information 3
Semester Total 6

Year 1, Summer

HIN 710 Data Mining and Analytics 3
HAP 737 Organization Theory & Behavior 3
Semester Total 6

Year 1, Fall

HIN 720 Current Issues & Advances HIT 3
HIN 704 Health Care Data-Content, Stan 3
Semester Total 6

Year 2, Spring

HIN 706 Systems Analysis and Design 3
HIN 705 Electronic Health Records 3
Semester Total 6

Year 2, Summer

HIN 716 Ethical, Legal, and Regulatory 3
HIN 780
Elective from Approved Listing, or
Thesis Option
Semester Total 6

Year 2, Fall

HIN 719 Advanced HIT & Data Technique 3
HIN 718,
HIN 780
Capstone Project, or
Thesis Option
Semester Total 6
Curriculum Total 36

Approved Electives

  • HAP 632. Quality Management of Health Care Services, 3 credit hours
  • HAP 705. Health Economics, 3 credit hours
  • HAP 721. Health Care Delivery Systems, 3 credit hours
  • HAP 735. Health Law & Risk Management, 3 credit hours
  • HAP 737. Organization Theory, 3 credit hours
  • HAP 743. Managing Across Continuum Care, 3 credit hours
  • IP 717. Telehealth Teams of the Future, 3 credit hours