MUSC Neurological Exercise & Training (NExT) Wellness Center

Woman wearing baseball cap and face mask does arm exercise in the NExT Center

The MUSC Neurological Exercise & Training (NExT) Wellness Center is a safe, accessible place for individuals managing a neurological condition like stroke, spinal cord injury, Parkinson’s, or dementia, to participate in regular exercise. At first glance, NExT looks like any other gym, with barbells, racks, dumbbells and exercise machines, plus a few pieces of adaptive equipment. However, it is more than just a gym. It is a place for members to build community and focus on other aspects of wellness, like mental health and emotional well-being, with people who share similar experiences.

The NExT Wellness Center bridges a gap for individuals discharged from rehabilitation therapy who may not have the resources available to continue in their recovery journey. In addition to the health benefits and camaraderie, a particularly unique aspect of the NExT program is its research element. Currently, it houses four research studies.


Membership is available to anyone managing a neurological condition like stroke, spinal cord injury, Parkinson’s, or dementia and their caregivers, spouses, or family members. Thanks to the generosity of donors and research funding, there are no membership fees for the NExT Wellness Center.

If you’re interested in membership, contact Christina Miyares, PT, DPT, NCS by phone at (843)985-2579 or by email at for more information.

Our Facility & Services

adaptive exercise gym equipmentThe NExT Wellness Center facility is designed to accommodate all ability levels, offering a safe and familiar gym environment. With a wide range of state-of-the-art exercise equipment and an overhead harness system for safety during specialized training in tasks like walking sideways or moving quickly, members can focus on improving their strength, balance, and overall well-being.

At NExT, our goal is to help members make fitness a normal part of their lives. Our faculty and staff aim to create an atmosphere that’s accessible - not intimidating - while keeping member’s needs and capabilities at the forefront. Incorporating our high-quality equipment, rehabilitation tools, and data collection instruments, our professionally trained staff provides guidance and creates tailored workout programs for all members.

Meet Our Team

The NExT Wellness Center faculty and staff are physical therapists and researchers. They are dedicated to helping members improve their quality of life through safe, regular exercise.

Steve KautzSteve Kautz, Ph.D.

Chris GregoryChris M. Gregory, Ph.D., PT

Christina MiyaresChristina Miyares, PT, DPT, NCS
Facility Manager

Our Research

The NExT Wellness Center is home to several federally and privately funded research projects. The first is a National Institutes of Health (NIH) multisite trial looking at rehabilitation approaches for individuals with heart failure with preserved ejection fraction. The second, a pilot study funded by the MUSC Stroke Recovery Research Center aims to quantify the effects of a 15-week lifestyle and weight management program for individuals who have had a stroke. Additional studies include a Veterans Affairs (VA)-funded post-stroke lifestyle and weight management and an industry-sponsored study of a novel neuromodulation device for balance and walking recovery after stroke.