Department of Healthcare Leadership & Management 2021-2022 Grants and Publications

CHP Communications
August 16, 2022


Daniel Brinton

Daniel Brinton, Ph.D.

Nadig NR, Brinton DL, Simpson KN, Goodwin AJ, Simpson AN, Ford DW. (2022). The impact of timing on clinical and economic outcomes during inter-ICU transfer of acute respiratory failure patients: Time and tide wait for no one. Critical Care Explorations. 4(3): 1-9. doi:10.1097/CCE.0000000000000642.

Brinton DL, Ford DW, Martin RH, Simpson KN, Goodwin AJ, Simpson AN. (2022). Missing data methods for ICU SOFA scores in electronic health records studies: results from a Monte Carlo simulation. Journal of Comparative Effectiveness Research. doi:10.2217/cer-2021-0079

MacGeorge CA, King K, Andrews AL, Sterba K, Johnson E, Brinton DL, Teufel RJ, Kruis R, Ford D. (2022). School nurse perception of asthma care in school-based telehealth. Journal of Asthma. 59(6): 1248-1255. doi:10.1080/02770903.2021.1904978

Andrews AL, Brinton DL, Simpson AN. (2021).  A comparison of claims-based asthma risk predictors for pediatric asthma. The American Journal of Managed Care. 27(12): 294-298.

Johnson E, MacGeorge C, Sterba K, Andrews A, Teufel RJ, Brinton D, Kruis R, Hale K, Ford D, King K. (2021) Nurse perspectives regarding implementation of an asthma monitoring mobile health application in the school setting. Telemedicine and e-Health. 27(8): 955-962. doi: 10.1089/tmj.2021.0100

Quiros JA, Andrews AL, Brinton D, Simpson K, Simpson A. (2021) Insurance type influences access to biologics and healthcare utilization in pediatric Crohn’s disease. Crohn’s & Colitis 360. 3: 1-7. doi:10.1093/crocol/otab057.

Williams Jr. D, Kazley AS, Brinton DL. (2021) Hospital meaningful use incentive dollars and HIT-related capital expenditures. Journal of Health Care Finance. Summer 42(1).


Mary Dooley headshot

Mary Dooley, Ph.D.

Morrow C, Wheeler D, Dooley M, Warr E, Kruis R, King K, Harvey J, Simpson KN. (2022) Contribution of continuous virtual monitoring to hospital safety, quality, and value of care for COVID-19 patients. Telemedicine & e-Health. 2022 June. DOI: 10.1089/tmj.2022.0061.

Dark T, Gurung S, Dooley M, Simpson K, Butame S, Naar S. (2022) Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the care continuum of Youth living with HIV: qualitative study of the Scale It Up program clinical sites. AIDS and Behavior. 2022 June. DOI: 10.1007/s10461-022-03728-z.

Dooley MJ, Simpson KN, Simpson AN, Nietert PJ, Williams JD, King K, McElligott J. (2022). A modification of time-driven activity-based costing for comparing cost of telehealth and in-person visits. Telemedicine & e-Health. 2022 March; DOI: 10.1089/tmj.2021.0338.


Jillian Harvey

Jillian Harvey, MPH, Ph.D.

Elworth, J., Vaught, M., Harvey, J., Paranal, R., Zell, A., & Bcheraoui, C. (2022). Exploratory study of the underutilization of CTSA module services. Journal of Clinical and Translational Science, In-press

Seo NJ, Kamper DG, Ramakrishnan V, Harvey J, Finetto C, Schranz C, Scronce G, Coupland K, Howard K, Blaschke J, Baker A, Meinzer C, Velozo C, Adams RJ. (2022). Effect of novel training to normalize altered finger force direction post stroke: Study protocol for a double-blind randomized controlled trial. Trials, 23(301).

Morrow, C., Wheeler, D., Dooley, M., Kruis, R., King, K., Harvey, J., and Simpson, K. (2022). Contribution of Continuous Virtual Monitoring (CVM) to Hospital Safety, Quality and Value of Care for COVID-19 Patients. In Press: Telemedicine & e-Health.

Sampson, R., Shapario, S., He., Wenjun, Denmark, S., Kirchoff, K., Hutson, K., Paranal, R., Forney, L. McGhee, K., & Harvey, J. (2022). An integrated approach to improve clinical trial efficiency: Linking a clinical trial management system into the Research Integrated Network of Systems. Journal of Clinical and Translational Science, 6(1), E63.

Rhoden, P., Bohnilha, H., & Harvey, J. (2022). Patient satisfaction surveys for remote patient monitoring: A systematic review. Telemedicine & e-Health online ahead of print

DuBose-Morris, R., McSwain, D., McElligott, J., Cristaldi, K., Ziniel, S. & Harvey, J. (2021). Building telehealth teams of the future through interprofessional curriculum development: A five-year mixed methodology study. In Press: Journal of Interprofessional Care

Loucks, T., Bohnilha, H., Harvey, J., Lee-Chavarria, D., Lenert, K., Paranal, R., & Feghali-
Bostwick, C. Clinical and translational research workforce education survey identifies needs of staff and faculty. Journal of Clinical and Translational Science, I6(1), E8. doi:10.1017/cts.2021.875

Ford, D., Warr, E., Hamill, C., He, W., Pekar, E., Harvey, J., DuBose-Morris, R., McGhee, K., King, K., & Lenert, L. (2021). Not home alone: Leveraging telehealth and informatics to create a lean model for COVID-19 patient home care. Telemedicine Reports, 2(1): 239-246.

Bottner, R., Harvey, J. Baysinger, A., Mason, K., Patel, S., Boulton, A., Christian, N., Walker, B., & Moriates, C. (2021). The development and implementation of a Buprenorphine Team (“The B-Team”) to treat hospitalized patients with opioid use disorder. Healthcare, 9(4).
Nadig, N., Harvey, J. Goodwin, A. Lenert, L. & Ford, D. (2021). Qualitative provider experiences in a repurposed COVID-19 surge-ICU: Forewarned is Forearmed. Education and the Health Professions, 4(2): 84-90.

Valenta, S., Harvey, J., Sederstrom, E., Glanville, M., Walsh, T., & Ford, D. (2021). The
Telehealth Service Implementation Model. Telemedicine Reports, 2(1): 163-170.


Jami Jones

Jami Jones, MHA, Ph.D.

Tuan WJ, Jones J, Arnt B, Mellott M, Simpson AN. (2022) Assessing Disparities in the Use of Patient Portal among Adults in Family Medicine Clinics: A Retrospective Study Using Access Log Records. J Am Board Fam Med. In Press. [Resulted from DHA Doctoral Project]



* generic headshot

Zahi Jurdi, DHA

Jurdi, Z. & Crosby Jr., J. (2022). Key Patient Experience Drivers that Result in Exemplary Overall
Provider Performance Ratings in the Ambulatory Environment: A Quantitative Comparison Study. Journal of Ambulatory Care Management, 45(3).


Abby Kazley

Abby Swanson Kazley, Ph.D.

Williams, WD, Kazley, AS, and Brinton, D. (2021). Hospital Meaningful Use Incentive Dollars and HIT-Related Capital Expenditures. Journal of Health Care Finance.

Kazley, AS, Grotenhuis, Ct, Springer, H, Doms, R, Boissonneault, GA , and Creed, J. (forthcoming) .International and Interprofessional Collaboration: An innovative week of learning across 3 professions, 3 universities, and 1 ocean. Nursing Education Perspectives.


Lizmarie Maldonado

Lizmarie Maldondao, MS

Guille C, Maldonado L, Simpson AN, Newman RB, King C, Cortese B, Quigley E, Dietrich N, Kerr A, King K, Ford D, Brady KT. Psych Res Clin Pract. Published Online: 18 Nov 2021

Oddo, E. R., Maldonado, L., Hink, A. B., Simpson, A. N., & Andrews, A. L. (2021). Increase in Mental Health Diagnoses Among Youth With Nonfatal Firearm Injuries. Academic pediatrics, 21(7), 1203–1208.


Annie Simpson

Annie N. Simpson, Ph.D.

Ilagan G, Ilagan J, Jocius R, Hornor T, Shealy T, Simpson AN, Cavaliere G, Polen B, Brooks J (2022). Backpacking Veterans: Bolstering Sense of Belonging, Happiness, and Stress-coping. Special Issue J. of Outdoor Rec. Ed. and Leadership. Accepted.

Oddo ER, Simpson AN, Maldonado L, Hink A, Andrews AL. (2022) Mental Healthcare Utilization Among Children and Adolescents with Nonfatal Firearm Injury: A Propensity Score-Matched Analysis. JAMA Surgery. Accepted.

Tuan WJ, Jones J, Arnt B, Mellott M, Simpson AN. (2022) Assessing Disparities in the Use of Patient Portal among Adults in Family Medicine Clinics: A Retrospective Study Using Access Log Records. J Am Board Fam Med. In Press. [Resulted from DHA Doctoral Project]

Spiegel M, Simpson AN, Philip A, Bell CM, Nadig NR, Ford DW, Goodwin AJ (2022). Clinician Attitudes and Concordance with Self-Assessed and Actual Intravenous Fluid Prescribing Patterns: A Single-Institution Evaluation of Survey and Electronic Prescribing Data. Am J Med Sci. 2022 Apr 3:S0002-9629(22)00135-5. doi: 10.1016/j.amjms.2022.03.010. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 35385710.

Nadig NR, Brinton DL, Simpson KN, Goodwin AJ, Simpson AN, Ford DW (2022). The Impact of Timing on Clinical and Economic Outcomes During Inter-ICU Transfer of Acute Respiratory Failure Patients: Time and Tide Wait for No One. Crit Care Explor. 2022 Mar 1;4(3):e0642. doi: 10.1097/CCE.0000000000000642. PMID: 35261978; PMCID: PMC8893307.

Vatinno A, Simpson AN, Ramakrishnan V, Bonilha HS, Bonilha L, Seo NJ (2022). The Prognostic Utility of Electroencephalography in Stroke Recovery: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Neurorehabil Neural Repair. 2022 Apr;36(4-5):255-268. doi: 10.1177/15459683221078294. Epub 2022 Mar 20. PMID: 35311412; PMCID: PMC9007868.

Brinton DL, Ford DW, Martin RH, Simpson KN, Goodwin AJ, Simpson AN (2022). Missing data methods for intensive care unit SOFA scores in electronic health records studies: results from a Monte Carlo simulation. J Comp Eff Res. 2022 Jan;11(1):47-56. doi: 10.2217/cer-2021-0079. Epub 2021 Nov 2. PMID: 34726477.

Vatinno AA, Schranz C, Simpson AN, Ramakrishnan V, Bonilha L, Seo NJ (2022). Predicting upper extremity motor improvement following therapy using EEG-based connectivity in chronic stroke. NeuroRehabilitation. 2022;50(1):105-113. doi: 10.3233/NRE-210171. PMID: 34776421; PMCID: PMC8821328.

Guille C, Maldonado L, Simpson AN, Newman R, King C, Cortese B, Quigley E, Dietrich N, Kerr A, Rubin A, Kathryn K,Ford DW, Brady K (2021). A Non-Randomized Trial of In-Person Vs. Text/Telephone Screening, Brief Intervention and Referral to Treatment for Pregnant and Postpartum Women. Psych Res and Clin Prac. 221; 4(2):172-183. doi: 10.1176/appi.prcp.20210027

Spiegel M, Simpson AN, Philip A, Bell CM, Nadig NR, Ford DW, Goodwin AJ (2021). Development and implementation of a clinical decision support-based initiative to drive intravenous fluid prescribing. Int J Med Inform. 2021 Dec;156:104619. doi: 10.1016/j.ijmedinf.2021.104619. Epub 2021 Oct 15. PMID: 34673308.

Williams Jr D, Simpson AN, King K, Kruis RD, Ford DW, Sterling SA, Castillo A, Robinson CO, Simpson KN, and Summers RL (2021). Do Hospitals Providing Telehealth in Emergency Departments Have Lower Emergency Department Costs? Telemed J E Health. 2021 Sep;27(9):1011-1020. doi: 10.1089/tmj.2020.0349. Epub 2020 Nov 13. PMID: 33185503; PMCID: PMC8591063.

Quiros JA, Andrews AL, Brinton D, Simpson KN, Simpson AN (2021). Insurance Type Influences Access to Biologics and Healthcare Utilization in Pediatric Crohn’s Disease, Crohn's & Colitis 360, Volume 3, Issue 3, July 2021, otab057, [Resulted from DHA Doctoral Project]

Andrews AL, Brinton DL, Simpson AN (2021). A comparison of administrative claims-based risk predictors for pediatric asthma. Am J Manag Care. 2021 Dec;27(12):533-537. doi: 10.37765/ajmc.2021.88792. PMID: 34889577.

Nadig N; Sterba K, Simpson AN, Ruggiero K, Hough C, Goodwin A, White K, Ford D (2021). Psychological Outcomes in Family Members of Acute Respiratory Failure Patients: Does Inter-ICU Transfer Play a Role? CHEST. 2021 Sep;160(3):890-898.

Oddo ER, Maldonado L, Hink AB, Simpson AN, Andrews AL (2021). Increase in Mental Health Diagnoses Among Youth With Nonfatal Firearm Injuries. Acad Pediatr. 2021 Sep-Oct;21(7):1203-1208. doi: 10.1016/j.acap.2021.06.003. Epub 2021 Jun 10. PMID: 34119719. doi: 10.1016/j.chest.2021.03.025. Epub 2021 Mar 19.


Kit Simpson

Kit N. Simpson, DrPH

Major N, Edwards KR, Simpson K, Rogers M. An examination of predictive markers for successful sperm extraction procedures: a linear model and systematic review. A J Andrology 2022 24; 1-5. DOI: 10.4103/aja202221

Morrow CM, Wheeler D, Dooley M, Warr EH, Kruis R, Christaldi K, Harvey J, Simpson KN. Contribution of Continuous Virtual Monitoring (CVM) to Hospital Safety, Quality and Value of Care for COVID-19 Patients. Telemedicine and e-Health 2022. doi: 10.1089/tmj.2022.0061.

Morrow, C., & Simpson, K. (2022). The Issue Is—Measuring value: Cost-effectiveness analysis for occupational therapy. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 76,

Simpson KN, Fossler MJ, Wase L, Demitrack MA, Wandstrat TL. Budget impact and pharmacy costs with targeted use of oliceridine for postsurgical pain in patients at high risk of opioid-related adverse events. Expert Review of Pharmacoeconomics & Outcomes Research, 2022 DOI: 10.1080/14737167.2022.2038137

Dark T, Simpson KN, Gurung S, Penar AL, Naar S. Feasibility of Using Electronic Health Records (EHR) for cascade monitoring and cost estimates in implementation science studies in the Adolescent Trials Network for HIV/AIDS. JMIR Formative Research 2022;6(4):e25483
doi: 10.2196/25483PMID: 35468087

Dooley MJ, Simpson KN, Simpson AN, Nietert PJ, Williams JD, King K, McElligott J. (In Press). A modification of time-driven activity-based costing for comparing cost of telehealth and in-person visits. Telemedicine & e-Health 2022. doi: 10.1089/tmj.2021.0338.

Brinton DL, Ford DW, Martin RH, Simpson KN, Goodwin AJ, Simpson AN. Missing data methods for intensive care unit SOFA scores in electronic health records studies: results from a Monte Carlo simulation. J Comp Eff Res 2022 Jan;11(1):47-56. doi: 10.2217/cer-2021-0079.

Simpson KN, Fossler MJ, Wase L, Demitrack MA. Cost-effectiveness and cost benefit of oliceridine in the treatment of acute pain: a health economics analysis. J Comp Eff Res 2021 10(15):1107-1119. doi: 10.2217/cer-2021-0107.

Morrow CM, Johnson E, Simpson KN, Seo NJ. Determining Factors that Influence Adoption of New Post-Stroke Sensorimotor Rehabilitation Devices in the USA. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems 2021 29: 1213-1221 doi: 10.1109/TNSRE.2021.3090571.

Curfman AL, McSwain SD, Chuo J, Olson C, Simpson KN. An economic framework to measure the value of pediatric telehealth. Telemedicine J & eHealth 2021 Dec;27(12):1440-1442. doi: 10.1089/tmj.2020.0520.

Williams D Jr, Simpson AN, King K, Kruis RD, Ford DW, Sterling SA, Castillo A, Robinson CO, Simpson KN, Summers RL. Do Hospitals Providing Telehealth in Emergency Departments Have Lower Emergency Department Costs? Telemed J E Health. 2021 Sep;27(9):1011-1020. doi: 10.1089/tmj.2020.0349.

Horn J, Simpson KN, Simpson AN, Bonilha LF, Bonilha HS. Incidence of Poststroke Depression in Patients with Poststroke Dysphagia. Am J Speech Lang Pathol. 2022 Jul 12;31(4):1836-1844. doi: 10.1044/2022_AJSLP-21-00346.

Zhu VJ, Lenert LA, Barth KS, Simpson KN, Li H, Kopscik M, Brady KT. Automatically identifying opioid use disorder in non-cancer patients on chronic opioid therapy. Health Informatics J. 2022 Apr-Jun;28(2):14604582221107808. doi: 10.1177/14604582221107808.

Basco WT Jr, McCauley JL, Zhang J, Marsden JE, Simpson KN, Heidari K, Mauldin PD, Ball SJ. High-risk opioid analgesic dispensing to adolescents 12-18 years old in South Carolina: 2010-2017.
Pharmacoepidemiol Drug Saf. 2022 Mar;31(3):353-360. doi: 10.1002/pds.5389.

Dark T, Gurung S, Dooley M, Simpson KN, Butame SA, Naar S. Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Care Continuum of Youth Living with HIV: Qualitative Study of the Scale It Up Program Clinical Sites. AIDS Behav. 2022 Jun 10:1-8. doi: 10.1007/s10461-022-03728-z.

Nadig NR, Brinton DL, Simpson KN, Goodwin AJ, Simpson AN, Ford DW. The Impact of Timing on Clinical and Economic Outcomes During Inter-ICU Transfer of Acute Respiratory Failure Patients: Time and Tide Wait for No One. Crit Care Explor. 2022 Mar 1;4(3):e0642. doi: 10.1097/CCE.0000000000000642.

Akter T, Annamalai B, Obert E, Simpson KN, Rohrer B. Dabigatran and Wet AMD, Results From Retinal Pigment Epithelial Cell Monolayers, the Mouse Model of Choroidal Neovascularization, and Patients From the Medicare Data Base. Front Immunol. 2022 Jun 17;13:896274. Doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2022.896274.

Dark T, Simpson KN, Gurung S, Pennar AL, Chew M, Naar S. Feasibility of Using Electronic Health Records for Cascade Monitoring and Cost Estimates in Implementation Science Studies in the Adolescent Trials Network for HIV/AIDS Interventions. JMIR Form Res. 2022 Apr 25;6(4):e25483. doi: 10.2196/25483.


Karen Wager headshot

Karen A. Wager, DBA

Allen, C., Lenert, L., Hunt, K.J., Jackson, A., Levin, E., Clinton, C., Clark, J., Garrison, K., Gallegos, S., Wager, K., He, W., Sterba, K., Ramos, P.S., Melvin, C., Ford, M., Catchpole, K., McMahon, L., Judge, D. (2022). Lessons learned from the pilot phase of a population wide genomic screening program: Building the base to reach a diverse cohort of 100,000 participants. Journal of Personalized Medicine (12), 1228, 1-16.

Allen, C., Judge, D., Levin, E., Sterba, K., Hunt, K., Ramso, P., Melvin, C., Wager, K., Catchpole, K., Clinton, C., Ford, M., McMahon, L., Lenert, L. (2022). Pragmatic implementation research study for In Our DNA SC: A protocol to identify multi-level factors that support the implementation, adaptation, and sustainment of population-wide genomic screening initiative in diverse populations. Implementation Science Communications (3):48.

Wager, K., Lee, F. and Glaser (2022). Health Care Information Systems: A Practical Approach for Health Care Management, Fifth Edition. Jossey-Bass, Wiley Publication.


Dunc Williams headshot

Dunc Williams, MHA, Ph.D.

Alishahi Tabriz, A, Turner, K, Williams, Dunc, Babu, N, North, S, Shea, Cm, “Association of Financial Factors and Telemedicine Adoption for Heart Attack and Stroke Care Among Rural and Urban Hospitals: A Longitudinal Study.” Telemedicine and e-Health. June 2022. PMID: 34559014.

Dooley, M., Simpson, A. N., Nietert, P. J., Williams, Dunc, Cristaldi, K., McElligott, J., & Simpson, K. N. “A modification of time-driven activity-based costing for comparing cost of telehealth and in-person visits." Telemedicine and e-Health. 2022.

Williams, Dunc, AS Kazley, DL Brinton, “Hospital Meaningful Use Incentive Dollars and HIT-Related Capital Expenditures.” Journal of Health Care Finance. 2021. Summer; 42 (1);

Williams, Dunc, A Simpson, K King, et. al. “Do Hospitals Providing Telehealth in Emergency Departments Have Lower ED Costs?” Telemedicine and e-Health. 2021.

Grant Awards

Title: A Randomized Controlled Trial to Evaluate the Survivorship Needs Assessment Planning Tool in Head and Neck Cancer Survivor-Caregiver Dyads
Faculty Member: Annie N. Simpson, Ph.D. (Co-Investigator)
Source: National Institutes of Health (NIH) National Cancer Institute (NCI)

Title: A Real-World Evidence Trial Examining the use of OLINVYKTM (Oliceridine), a Biased Agonist at the μ(Mu) Receptor, in Patients Requiring Post-Surgical Pain Control (ARTEMIS)
Faculty Member: Annie N. Simpson, Ph.D. (Site Principal Investigator; Consultant)
Source: Trevena, Inc.

Title: Adolescent Medicine Trials Network for HIV/AIDS Intervention (ATN) Coordinating Center -COC Phase 11 Project
Faculty Members: Kit N. Simpson, DrPH (Subcontract Principal Investigator), Mary Dooley, Ph.D. (Biostatistician)
Source: National Institutes of Health (NIH) University of North Carolina Chapel Hill

Title: Clinical trial of the Fit Families Multicomponent Obesity Intervention for African American Adolescents and Their Caregivers: Step from the ORBIT Initiative
Faculty Member: Kit N. Simpson, DrPH (Co-Investigator)
Source: National Institutes of Health (NIH) National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI)

Title: Comparative Effectiveness Data Analytics Research Resource (CEDAR)
Faculty Members: Kit N. Simpson, DrPH (Principal Investigator), Dunc Williams, MHA, Ph.D. (Co-Investigator), Daniel Brinton, Ph.D. (Associate Director)
Source: Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC) Provost for Research

Title: Costs Associated with Acute Kidney Injury in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit: Analysis of Data from the Pediatric Health Information System Database
Faculty Member: Daniel Brinton, Ph.D. (Co-Principal Investigator)
Source: South Carolina Translational Research (SCTR) Discovery Grant

Title: Economic modeling of outcomes, cost effectiveness, ROI and budget impact of oliceridine
Faculty Member: Kit N. Simpson, DrPH (Principal Investigator)
Source: Trevena, Inc.

Title: EHR-based Screening and Intervention for Intimate Partner Violence
Faculty Member: Kit N. Simpson, DrPH (Co-Investigator)
Source: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)

Title: Elastase and Elastin Peptide Activity in Age-Related Macular Degeneration
Faculty Member: Kit N. Simpson, DrPH (Co-Principal Investigator)
Source: National Institutes of Health (NIH)

Title: Enhancing Infrastructure for Clinical and Translational Research to Address the Opioid Epidemic
Faculty Member: Jillian Harvey, MPH, Ph.D. (Co-Investigator)
Source: National Institutes of Health (NIH) National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (NCATS) CTSA Collaborative Innovation Award

Title: Feasibility Study of the Incorporation of a Portable MRI in a Telemedicine-Equipped Ambulance for Field Triage of Stroke Patients
Faculty Member: Jillian Harvey, MPH, Ph.D. (Co-Principal Investigator)
Source: MUSC Blue Sky Award, MUSC

Title: Improving Cancer Screening Through A Tailored Technology-Based Intervention
Faculty Members: Kit N. Simpson, DrPH (Co-Investigator), Mary Dooley, Ph.D. (Biostatistician)
Source: National Institutes of Health (NIH) National Institute on Aging (NIA)

Title: Integrating Stroke Tele-rehabilitation into MUSC’s Tele-heath Network
Faculty Member: Kit N. Simpson, DrPH (Co-Investigator)
Source: The Duke Endowment

Title: Leveraging Health System Telehealth and Informatics Infrastructure to Create a Continuum of Services for COVID-19 Screening, Testing, and Treatment: A Learning Health System Approach
Faculty Members: Jillian Harvey, MPH, Ph.D. (Co-Principal Investigator), Kit N. Simpson, DrPH (Co-Principal Investigator), Annie N. Simpson, Ph.D. (Co-Investigator), Dunc Williams, MHA, Ph.D. (Co-Investigator), Daniel Brinton, Ph.D. (Methodologist), Mary Dooley, Ph.D. (Biostatistician)
Source: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)

Title: mHealth to Enhance & Sustain Drug Use Reduction of the QUIT BI in Primary Care
Faculty Member: Kit N. Simpson, DrPH (Subcontract Principal Investigator)
Source: National Institutes of Health (NIH) University of California Los Angeles (UCLA)

Title: National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research (NIDCR) Doctor of Dental Medicine (DMD) Ph.D. Training Program
Faculty Member: Jillian Harvey, MPH, Ph.D. (Program Evaluation)
Source: National Institutes of Health

Title: Novel training environment to normalize altered finger force direction post stroke
Faculty Member: Jillian Harvey, MPH, Ph.D. (Co-Investigator)
Source: National Institutes of Health (NIH) Veterans Affairs (VA)

Title: Real Estate Investment Trust Acquisition of Nursing Homes and the Cost and Quality of Nursing Home Care
Faculty Member: Dunc Williams, MHA, Ph.D. (Site Principal Investigator; Co-Investigator)
Source: Arnold Ventures

Title: Scale it up: Effectiveness-implementation research to enhance HIV-related self-management among youth
Faculty Members: Kit N. Simpson, DrPH (Principal Investigator of Subaward), Mary Dooley, Ph.D. (Biostatistician)
Grant Sponsor: Florida State University
Source: Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health & Human Development

Title: South Carolina Clinical and Translational Research (SCTR) Institute
Faculty Members: Jillian Harvey, MPH, Ph.D. (Co-Investigator; Director of Program Evaluation), Kit N. Simpson, DrPH (Co-Investigator)
Source: National Institutes of Health (NIH) National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (NCATS)

Title: SPROUT–CTSA Collaborative Telehealth Research Network
Faculty Members: Jillian Harvey, MPH, Ph.D. (Co-Investigator; Evaluation), Kit N. Simpson, DrPH (Co-Investigator)
Source: National Institutes of Health (NIH) National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (NCATS) CTSA Collaborative Innovation Award

Title: Telehealth Center of Excellence
Faculty Members: Jillian Harvey, MPH, Ph.D. (Co-Investigator), Annie N. Simpson, Ph.D. (Co-Investigator), Kit N. Simpson, DrPH (Co-Investigator), Jiebing Wen, Ph.D. (Co-Investigator), Dunc Williams, MHA, Ph.D. (Co-Investigator), Daniel Brinton, Ph.D. (Methodologist), Mary Dooley, Ph.D. (Biostatistician)

Title: Vascular Disease Early Detection
Source: Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA)
Faculty Members: Kit N. Simpson, DrPH (Principal Investigator), Mary Dooley, Ph.D. (Biostatistician)
Source: Medtronic

Title: ViiV Healthcare Implementation Science HIV Study
Faculty Member: Jillian Harvey, MPH, Ph.D. (Telehealth Survey Methods Consultant)

Title: Virtual Reality ConfRontational Visual Field Testing (VERIFI)
Faculty Member: Jillian Harvey, MPH, Ph.D. (Co-Investigator)
Source: MUSC Office of Innovation & MUSC Foundation for Research Development