Healthcare Studies Alicia Santos

CHP Web Team
March 16, 2021
Alicia Santos

Meet Alicia Santos, Class of 2020

What South Carolina Technical College did you attend?

Horry Georgetown Technical College

Why did you choose the Healthcare Studies program?

I chose MUSC’s Healthcare Studies program to gain a better understanding of the different aspects of the health care field such as rural healthcare and social determinants of health because my long-term goal is to complete dental school and work with underrepresented populations.

What was the most valuable part of the program?

The most valuable part of the program was completing the Service-Learning Experience. This experience was valuable because students were able to volunteer for non-profit organizations and learn firsthand about various social determinants of health and underrepresented populations.

What are you doing post-graduation?

My post-graduation goal is to apply to MUSC’s College of Dental Medicine with hopes of working for the Indian Health Service upon completion of the program.

What advice would you give to someone considering this program?

This program is very flexible because it is online but my advice to you is to not procrastinate and to create an organized schedule dedicated to your academics. Life will happen and there may be bumps along the road but don’t give up, stay positive, and do not be afraid to reach out to your professors if you need help. Each professor in this program is very supportive and they all want to see you succeed. They will do all they can to help but you have to communicate to them if the help is needed.