Introducing the Genetic Counseling Student Association (GCSA) at MUSC: Q&A with Our Student Leaders

CHP Web Team
October 14, 2024
GCSA blog main

The newly formed Genetic Counseling Student Association (GCSA) at MUSC, established by the Master of Science in Genetic Counseling (MSGC) Class of 2025, is already making strides to enhance student engagement and elevate the genetic counseling community!

To get a closer look at the vision and inspiration behind this exciting initiative, we sat down with the GCSA Officer Committee to get the inside scoop on their goals, aspirations, and what motivated them to get involved. Here’s what they had to say:

Name: Sarah English
Officer Committee Role: President

What is your goal for the GCSA? “My goal of the Genetic Counseling Student Association (GCSA) is to enhance student engagement and increase awareness of the Master of Science in Genetic Counseling (MSGC) program and the genetic counseling profession as a whole. Taking into consideration the newness and uniqueness of the MSGC program, I believe the possibilities for the GCSA to make an impact are endless. Leadership within the GCSA will not only represent the MSGC program but will also provide the opportunity for students to share feedback and ideas and will oversee projects and implement change. Most importantly, my goal for the GCSA is to unify the MSGC program by encouraging student engagement through in-person and remote/virtual opportunities as well as promote involvement between the 1st and 2nd year cohorts.”

What are you most excited about implementing? “There are a lot of things I am excited to implement through the GCSA but one thing I am particularly excited about is establishing a plan for alumni networking and communication. Since the inaugural MSGC class will be walking across the stage at graduation this upcoming May 2025, we have a unique opportunity as current students to implement how we would like to be involved as alumni and put those opportunities into place for the future.”

Were you inspired by another genetic counseling program to create this group? If so, which program? “Surprisingly, genetic counseling student organizations are not common nor the standard for genetic counseling programs. With that being said, rather than being inspired by another genetic counseling program or student organization, the GCSA was brainstormed and established truly to address the specific needs of the MSGC program. The MSGC program at MUSC is incredibly unique. With having some of the largest class sizes across genetic counseling programs nationally as well as delivering genetic counseling education through an asynchronous hybrid model, the MSGC program is paving the way for the next generation of genetic counselors. The uniqueness of the MSGC program came with an evident need to innovate nontraditional modes of student engagement amongst MSGC student cohorts. As a response to these needs, the GCSA was established. Hopefully the GCSA can inspire other genetic counseling programs across the nation and pave the way for genetic counseling student organizations!”

Why did you want to be involved in the GCSA? “In addition to spearheading the launch of the GCSA, I was interested in being involved as an officer to help the GCSA reach its full potential. I strongly believe that the GCSA has a strong foundation and support to make a lasting impression on MSGC students to come for many years! It has been such a privilege to be a part of the inaugural MSGC class and it would be even more of a privilege to pave the road for future MSGC students at MUSC.”

Name: Maria Striebich
Officer Committee Role: Vice President

What is your goal for the GCSA? “I hope that the GCSA is able to bring students together and provide opportunities for engagement between the two classes, as this can be challenging for virtual/hybrid programs. There are a lot of benefits to a hybrid program, but also of course some drawbacks, especially socially; I’m hoping we can truly have the best of both worlds with the work of the GCSA!”

What are you most excited about implementing? “I’m most excited to have virtual experiences for our classmates that are not currently in Charleston. We’ve already had one, a Two Truths and a Lie night, which was definitely a hit! These types of events are a great way to engage people who are both in person and those who are further away, and it’s been great to get to know people in my own class better, as well as some of the 1st years.”

Why did you want to be involved in the GCSA? “I love having the chance to create connections with people and give others the opportunity to get to know each other. One of my concerns with a hybrid program was how social interaction would be impacted, so when Sarah first mentioned the idea of the GCSA to me, I was super excited to be on board! I’m also our student ambassador, so it was a natural transition for me to continue doing outreach with the GCSA.”

Name: Caitie Horan
Officer Committee Role: Communications Chair

What is your goal for the GCSA? “I want the GCSA to be a facilitator for genetic counseling students to build relationships between classmates, cohorts, and (future) alumni.”

What are you most excited about implementing? “I'm excited to start incorporating virtual and in-person events to supplement our learning in the classroom. GCSA very much is a compliment to the genetic counseling Masters program. We want to provide students with more ways to apply their learning and opportunity discussions.”

Why did you want to be involved in the GCSA? “I’m very interested in creating opportunities for connection and among our classmates, genetic professionals, and other medical professionals. GCSA allows us to create those opportunities for our classmates. Genetic counseling is a field that fundamentally is about support. As much support as we provide our patients we need to also make sure we have support for ourselves from our colleagues and that's something we're trying to foster with GCSA.”

Name: Alli Davis
Officer Committee Role: Social Chair

What is your goal for the GCSA? “My goal for the GCSA is to create a community between classmates and cohorts, no matter how much distance separates us.”

What are you most excited about implementing? “I’m most excited about implementing in person and virtual get togethers for our students. Several students have moved to the Charleston area either for rotations or just to be closer before rotations start and it is so fun getting together with everyone. With our program being asynchronous some of us are pretty spread out from each other so connecting virtually is important too! We’ve hosted virtual study halls, Two Truths and a Lie, and check-ins to see how everyone is doing. I’m excited to continue these in person and virtual efforts to make sure everyone feels like they are a part of our community.”

Why did you want to be involved in the GCSA? “As part of the first ever MSGC cohort at MUSC it is up to us to help shape the program for future classes. Being part of GCSA allows me to build meaningful relationships with my classmates and faculty and contribute to the genetic counseling community in a way that feels connected and supportive. We hope that establishing the GCSA lays the framework for future classes, and it continues to serve as a means of supporting students in their personal and professional development.”

Name: Claire Daniel
Officer Committee Role: First-year Representative

What is your goal for the GCSA? “My goal for the GCSA is not only to help students connect with one another and with faculty, but also to represent and gather feedback from the students in my cohort. As such a new program, we have the opportunity to utilize this feedback to make lasting changes and improve the MUSC Genetic Counseling Program as a whole.”

What are you most excited about implementing? “I’m most excited about implementing a feedback form where first years can submit thoughts, ideas, questions, and concerns (either with their name attached or anonymously) and I can pass that information along. Being a first year student is scary! My goal is for every student in my cohort to have an easy and stress-free way to express themselves.”

Why did you want to be involved in the GCSA? “I wanted to get involved with the GCSA because I’m a very passionate person. I’m passionate about genetics, I’m passionate about helping people, and I’m passionate about making a positive impact. Joining the GCSA was a great combination of all three, and a wonderful way for me to meet and work with others who are just as passionate as I am.”

We are incredibly proud of our inaugural class for establishing the Genetic Counseling Student Association. This organization provides an excellent opportunity for students to engage within the program, as well as with the broader university and local community.” - GCSA Faculty Advisors

GCSA Advisors:

Kimberly Foil, MS, CCG Assistant Professor and Division Director
Libby Malphrus, MS, CGC Assistant Program Director
Tara Hart, MS, CGC Instructor and Director of Clinical Training

The GCSA is already off to an exciting start, and the Officer Committee has big plans for the year that are sure to have a lasting impact on MUSC’s MSGC program and beyond. We can’t wait to see how their plans unfold and how the GCSA will continue to grow in the years to come!