National Center of Neuromodulation for Rehabilitation

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Upcoming Events

NC NM4R 2025 Symposium

Tracing the Neurobehavioral Effects of Neuromodulation–March 13, 2025

Save the date for this one-day online and in-person symposium discussing cutting-edge, multimodal research that contributes to the understanding of how modulating the nervous system affects neurobehavioral processing. This event will highlight the need for future developments and pathways to sustainable funding with experts from research, industry, and funding agencies. Full agenda and speaker information is pending, but registration is now open!

Neuromodulation Speaker Series

April 7: Stephanie R. Jones, Ph.D., Department of Neuroscience, Brown University

First Wednesday of the month at noon Eastern time via Zoom

This series will explore several varying neuromodulation methods with a focus on rehabilitation. Researchers and clinicians of all career stages (including students and fellows), who are interested in neuromodulation and novel rehabilitation techniques, are invited. At each meeting, a speaker will present a topic or study relating to the improvement of rehabilitation techniques through the use of neuromodulation. The attendees will have the opportunity to ask questions, exchange ideas and opinions, and develop informal discussions. Learn more and register now.

NC NM4R Reach

A map of the United States reflects participation by individuals in all 50 states except North Dakota and Wyoming in program activities of the National Center of Neuromodulation for Rehabilitation. The map also notes that 264 individuals from non-US countries participated in center activities. A blue star reflects that South Carolina is the home of the center. Participation includes 1,418 unique workshop attendees, 37 mentored collaborative opportunity participants, 37 extramural pilot study awards, and 149 individuals engaged in a special workshop funded by the National Institute on Mental Health.


Million in extramural grants resulted from pilot project awards


Million in extramural grants resulted from mentored collaborative consultations

NC NM4R Overview

Demonstration of finding motor threshold with transcranial magnetic stimulation The National Center of Neuromodulation for Rehabilitation has been working since 2015 to develop the emerging science of neuromodulation, focusing this knowledge on enhancing rehabilitation. To that end, the Center offers a range learning opportunities, such as workshops, conferences, and webinars. We invite researchers to visit the Center and make use of our extensive facilities to consult or collaborate with our faculty on your research. We also provide several funding opportunities to support work in neuromodulation for rehabilitation. 

We hope you enjoy your visit to the site and find it useful! Please don't hesitate to contact us if you would like to take advantage of our offerings, have questions, or need assistance.