Learning Opportunities

Instructors explains software controlling transcranial magnetic stimulation device

Upcoming Events

Speaker Series

Noon Eastern, first Wednesday of each month, via Zoom

This series will explore various neuromodulation methods with a focus on rehabilitation. Researchers and clinicians of all career stages (including students and fellows), who are interested in neuromodulation and novel rehabilitation techniques, are invited. At each meeting, a speaker will present a topic or study relating to the improvement of rehabilitation techniques through the use of neuromodulation. The attendees will have the opportunity to ask questions, exchange ideas and opinions, and develop informal discussions. This Speaker Series will be presented via Zoom on the first Wednesday of each month and aims to present innovative ideas and cutting-edge methods for clinicians and researchers.

Past Events Video Archives

To increase the reach and utility of our didactic offerings, we're pleased to offer an archive of video recordings of past events. We offer many of our workshops on a recurring rotation, so please sign up as a member of our neuromodulation for rehab mailing list to receive email notifications when upcoming workshops are scheduled.

Learning Opportunities Details

Training is a crucial aspect of NC NM4R's offerings, with a range of sessions from introductory to advanced, designed to teach the basic science and application of neuromodulation as it applies to rehabilitation.  Our lineup of didactic workshops offers a curriculum designed to get you up and running in NM4R with the introductory workshop and then to prepare you to design research, conduct trials, and apply for funding in advanced workshops.  Additionally, our collaborative opportunities program offers consultation and collaboration with NC NM4R faculty and offers the use of NC NM4R's unique facilities and expertise to learn advanced techniques and conduct research.

The Introductory Workshop is offered in the fall season of the year and has proven to be a helpful introduction for new researchers as well as a good overview for those more established in the field.  The Introductory Workshop covers a range of neuromodulatory techniques, including Transcranial Alternating Current Stimulation, Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation, Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation, Operant Conditioning of EMG-Evoked Potential, and more. 

The advanced workshops are in-depth examinations of specific neuromodulatory techniques and how they may be applied to rehab.  Past advanced workshops have covered Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation, Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation, and Operant Conditioning of EMG-Evoked Potential, Transcutaneous Auricular Vagus Nerve Stimulation, Multimodal TMS-EEG-fMRI, Transcranial Focused Ultrasound, Clinical Trials in Neuromodulation for Rehab, and more.