DNAP-PM New Student Information

A Message from the Division Director

Angela Ciuca

Angela Mund, CRNA, DNP
AFN Division Director

Welcome, new DNAP-Post Master's students! On behalf of the faculty, I would like to welcome you to the program. The next 18 months will promise to be both challenging and rewarding. We recognize that starting classes and arriving on campus can be overwhelming, so we will be providing you with as much information as possible prior to your start. Ensure that you take the time to become familiar with the information before classes begin.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me. Again, congratulations, and we look forward to seeing you soon.

Angela Ciuca Ph.D., DNAP, CRNA
DNAP Division Director

DNAP-PM New Student Information 

CHP New Student Orientation
(Your Activated NetID is required for access)

You will be able to access this information upon receipt of your MUSC NetID and password approximately 45 days prior to the beginning of the summer semester (depending upon date of acceptance). Login instructions will be sent to you via your personal email account.  

Textbook List

ADA Resources