Executive MHA New Student Information - Fall Start

We are pleased that you will be joining our incoming students this fall in the Executive MHA program. We want to welcome you to the Department of Healthcare Leadership & Management at MUSC. The faculty and staff have been busy preparing for your arrival. 

Let me explain a little about the format of our program and course work. The program is lockstep in nature (meaning courses are taken in a prescribed sequence). Full-time students take three courses per semester; part-time students take two; hybrid students take a combination of two or three courses per semester. The program is designed for working healthcare professionals and most students complete the program on a full-time basis. 

Your classes will begin online on August 25, 2025. Orientation activities will be held virtually on Friday, August 22, 2025. The Fall 2025 EMHA on-campus session will be held from Thursday, September 4 to Saturday, September 6, 2025. Please refer to your plan of study (linked below) to see which courses you will be enrolled in.

Between now and the start of classes you may have many questions. An important person to know, if you do not already know her, is Ms. Mia Bradley, the student serves coordinator who will be working with you. She also manages the Residential MHA program. Please call or email Ms. Bradley if you have any questions.

I wish you the best as you begin your studies here at MUSC. We look forward to working with you as you earn your MHA degree. Please let us know if you have any questions!


Zahi Jurdi

Zahi Jurdi, DHA
Assistant Professor
MHA Division Director

New Student Information

New Student Orientation and On-Campus Session

  • New Student Orientation Schedule (Coming Soon)
  • EMHA Fall 2025 Booklist (Coming Soon)
  • EMHA Fall 2025 On Campus Schedule (Coming Soon)

Calendars and Academic Curriculum

Useful Links