Contemporary TMS Motor Mapping in Neurorehabilitation Workshop Archive

Contemporary TMS Motor Mapping in Neurorehabilitation: A virtual workshop

image of presentation from woirkshop showing TMS

Motor mapping using transcranial magnetic stimulation within and between hemispheres, provides insight on control of movement in health and disease, and improves precision for neuromodulation targeting. Despite several decades of work, there is no consensus on experimental mapping protocol, analysis methods and interpretation. Presented on June 25, 2021, via Zoom, this workshop covered practical and theoretical content on motor mapping, with the latest technological advancements, and included preclinical, healthy human, and clinical content. The National Center of Neuromodulation for Rehabilitation is pleased to be able to share these recordings of the workshop sessions with our community!

Workshop Chair: Dylan Edwards, Ph.D.

Opening and introduction

Preclinical to Human

Applied TMS Mapping 1

Applied TMS Mapping 2

Methods, Modeling, Technology