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Mentored Collaborative Opportunities

Woman does rehab walking on treadmill while supported by safety harness, with instructor and three onlookers

Collaboration is a pillar of the National Center of Neuromodulation for Rehabilitation, alongside providing learning and funding opportunities. To foster and advance the field of neuromodulation for rehabilitation, NC NM4R offers extensive, expert collaborative and consultative services to all its members. 

When more extensive use of NC NM4R resources is required to achieve research goals, mentored collaboration with NC NM4R faculty offers the chance to work together with our experts in our labs to train, pursue research, and collect data. All of the National Center of Neuromodulation for Rehabilitation's personnel and resources described within the Scientific Resources and Faculty & Staff pages are available for collaboration on work in neuromodulation for rehabilitation.

Remote work may be preferable when advanced hands-on training is not necessary, but hands-on training is available through customized, individual interaction with our faculty in any of our areas of expertise in neuromodulation for rehabilitation.

Collaborations with NC NM4R are initiated via this website, with follow-ups available by email, phone, video conference, and in person. Please contact us to explore opportunities for collaboration.

Common Collaborations

  • Translating techniques from basic science to human clinical studies
  • Collaborative data collection
  • Study design consultation
  • Feasibility consultation
  • Data analysis methods consultation
  • Methodologic discussion and refinement of aims & approaches

Collaboration Statistics


Mentored Collaborations to date


Publications by collaborators


Funded extramural grants by collaborators


Collaborators who are women

Current Active Collaborations

Investigating the Relationship Between taVNS and Spinal Motoneuron Pool Excitability
Kara Donovan, Ph.D. candidate; Peter Brunner, Ph.D.
Washington University at St. Louis

Closed-loop Afferent Feedback Control for Operant Conditioning During Locomotion Training
Victor Duenas, Ph.D. 
Syracuse University

Operant Down-Conditioning of the Soleus H-reflex in Adults with Spastic Cerebral Palsy
Devina Kumar, PT, Ph.D. 
Burke Neurological Institute 

Spinal Reflex Conditioning to Decrease Spasticity and Improve Motor Function in Adults with Spastic Cerebral Palsy
Kathleen Friel, Ph.D. 
Burke Neurological Institute 

Operant Conditioning of Reciprocal Inhibition on Ankle Plantarflexors in People after Stroke
Jing Nong Liang, PT, Ph.D. 
University of Nevada, Las Vegas

Examining the Effects of MEP Operant Conditioning on the Upper Extremity Intermuscular Coordination after Stroke
Jinsook Roh, Ph.D. 
University of Houston

Variability of Corticospinal Excitability for the Ankle Dorsiflexor Tibialis Anterior Muscle in People With and Without Incomplete Spinal Cord Injury
Bilateral evaluation of the excitability of soleus H-reflex pathway in People after Stroke
Jodi Brangaccio, DPT
Albany Stratton VA Medical Center

Neurophysiological Characterization of Dry Needling in People with Spasticity Due to Stroke
Gretchen Seif, DPT
Medical University of South Carolina

Operant conditioning to reduce spasticity in the quadriceps of individuals with stiff-knee gait after stroke
Sebastian Correa, Ph.D. candidate
Case Western Reserve University