Upcoming Workshops and Conferences

Neuromodulation Speaker Series

Noon Eastern, first Wednesday of each month, via Zoom

This continuing series will explore various neuromodulation methods with a focus on rehabilitation. Researchers and clinicians of all career stages (including students and fellows), who are interested in neuromodulation and novel rehabilitation techniques, are invited. At each meeting, a speaker will present a topic or study relating to the improvement of rehabilitation techniques through the use of neuromodulation. The attendees will have the opportunity to ask questions, exchange ideas and opinions, and develop informal discussions. This Speaker Series will be presented via Zoom on the first Wednesday of each month and aims to present innovative ideas and cutting-edge methods for clinicians and researchers.  Speaker Series sessions will be presented on first Wednesday of each month at noon Eastern time via Zoom, so learn more and register now.

Past Workshops and Events

We offer many of our workshops on a recurring rotation, so please sign up as a member of our neuromodulation for rehabilitation mailing list to receive email notifications when upcoming learning opportunities are scheduled. Additionally, you will find full details and video archives of many of our past events in our Past Events and Archives area.