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Scientific Resources

shot of man's feet connected to sensors as he walk on treadmill, with therapist's feet nearby

MUSC has made extensive investments in infrastructure (expertise, instrumentation, and lab support) to develop cutting-edge core resources to support basic, translational, and clinical research in neuromodulation for rehabilitation (NM4R) research, and NC NM4R leverages that investment to foster the investigation of neuromodulation for rehabilitation. In addition to training offerings and workshops, the faculty and resources of NC NM4R are available to our members for more extensive training in neuromodulation for rehabilitation equipment and techniques.  Furthermore, NC NM4R members are invited to make use of our facilities to further their own research via collaboration with NC NM4R.  Please contact us to submit a request for services and read below for full details on available resources and equipment.

Brain Stimulation (BSTIM)

The BSTIM resource, led by internationally-recognized experts in the field, facilitates training and consultation in state-of-the-art brain stimulation methods, used either to measure brain activity/connectivity or as a potential therapy to modify the brain.

Evoked Potential Operant Conditioning (EPOC)

The EPOC resource provides training and consultation on non-invasive human neurophysiology methods relevant to motor control research and investigation of neural plasticity associated with operant conditioning of muscle responses to different neural stimuli. The EPOC Core helps people learn how to guide beneficial plasticity towards restoring useful sensory and motor functions after central nervous system injuries.

Neuroimaging (NI)

The NI resource provides training and consultation in performing state-of-the art neuroimaging and EEG methodologies to support NM4R research. The NI Core features senior faculty who provide consultation and training as to the optimum imaging methods for both acquisition and analysis including multiple modes of structural and functional imaging relevant to rehabilitation research, such as BOLD, DTI, DKI, fMRI, MRS, and resting-state connectivity.

Quantitative & Behavioral Assessment & Rehabilitation (QBAR)

The QBAR resource provides training and consultation in performing state-of-the-art measurements of behavioral function (e.g., 3-D kinematics, kinetics, and electromyography) and rehabilitation interventions (locomotor, constraint-induced movement and intensive task-oriented upper extremity training) to support NM4R research.

Please contact us to submit a request for services