About NC NM4R

Woman does rehab walking on treadmill while supported by safety harness

NC NM4R Overview

The goal of the National Center of Neuromodulation for Rehabilitation is to support researchers in the field of neuromodulation for rehabilitation. In order for the NC NM4R to exert a sustained, powerful influence on the field, we offer a cohesive program that aligns with the needs of the research community and actively contributes to the coalescing of research priorities.

Our Focus

The National Center of Neuromodulation for Rehabilitation serves as a focal point for developing and integrating the new science of neuromodulation with a specific focus on how to use this knowledge to enhance rehabilitation. It will crucially support investigators in use of these tools as research methods or potential treatments and facilitate ‘rational development’ and use of neuromodulation methods in rehabilitation. To this end, NC NM4R offers general, didactic training opportunities such as and in-person and web-based conferences providing opportunities to interact with and learn from colleagues in the field; specialized, collaborative training opportunities; and research funding opportunities via grant awards.

Faculty and Staff

The faculty and staff of NC NM4R are committed to advancing the field of neuromodulation applied to rehabilitation and to helping researchers in the field advance their work. 


We have a collection of links to fellow centers of the MR3 Network and to friends of NC NM4R to enhance your search for content in neuromodulation for rehabilitation.