MUSC Master of Science in Health Informatics program receives CAHIIM accreditation

Jessie Bradley Ma, MBA
April 16, 2020
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After a rigorous application and evaluation process, the Master of Science in Health Informatics (MSHI) program has been awarded full accreditation by the Commission on Accreditation for Health Informatics and Information Management Education (CAHIIM). CAHIIM accreditation ensures that the health informatics programs have attained or exceeded expert standards. The program is now one of 19 accredited programs in the United States.

"I am delighted that the MUSC MSHI has been awarded accreditation from CAHIIM. It is truly a testament to the hard work of our faculty and students, and we appreciate the external recognition for our excellence," said program director, Abby Swanson Kazley, Ph.D.

The accreditation process is approximately 18 months long. It includes an application review, self-assessment, review by CAHIIM, and a site visit that includes meetings with program faculty members and college leadership. The council and board grant accreditation after a final evaluation.

Kazley went on to say, "This accreditation places us in a unique and prestigious group of programs committed to excellence in health informatics education. Receiving accreditation also provides students, alumni, and employers with external validation of our educational program's excellence and commitment to being a leader in the field of health informatics education. We are excited about the additional certification, employment, and scholarship opportunities this will afford our students."

About the program:

Touted as the "Best Research-Focused Program" by Intelligent, the online MSHI program at MUSC is designed primarily for working health care professionals who wish to specialize in health informatics with a focus on data analytics. The program prepares graduates to manage, use, and evaluate health care information systems such as electronic health records (EHRs), data management, and analytic systems. They also gain firsthand experience in working with leading experts in telehealth through MUSC's Center of Telehealth, one of only two Health Resources & Services Administration (HRSA)-designated Centers of Excellence for Telehealth in the nation.

The program prepares students to assume positions such as data analytics officers, clinical systems analysts, health IT project managers, implementation specialists, chief medical or nursing information officers.

Learn more.


The Commission on Accreditation for Health Informatics and Information Management Education (CAHIIM) strives to provide the public with effective and consistent quality monitoring of health informatics and health information management programs through the maintenance of accreditation processes.

CAHIIM is recognized by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA).